Rates & Services

360° Profile

The 360 Profile is designed to establish the current base-line of your health and fitness. I discuss your short-term and long-term goals for fitness and review your complete medical history. This is followed by a full postural and gait analysis, establishing body regions that need corrections, strengthening and development. I then move on to the Natural Fitness training floor, where we perform a series of movement screens. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, I will formulate an individualized program for your needs and goals.

Single Hour Series

The Single Hour Series is the best way to implement my findings from the Natural Fitness 360 Profile. I will guide you through each stretch and movement, ensuring safety and optimum results with each workout. Over time you will gain the skills necessary to take your workouts home with you along with the confidence to execute each exercise safely and correctly. Regular check-ins will allow me to evaluate your progress and continuously evolve your program, making the best use of your time every workout. I am dedicated to working around your busy schedule, and I will make scheduling your sessions easy.

Single Hour Group Series (group training has been put on hold due to COVID Restrictions)

The Group Series works on the same principles as the regular Single Hour Series with some added benefits. Up to four friends and/or co-workers can split the cost of the session and get the benefit of a group to keep the energy level high. Group sessions are a great way to save money and add another level of fitness to your regular routine.

Student Series

Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic and there is no end in sight. I recognize this and have taken the proper steps to do my part to help solve this problem. So I have designed a Student Series for all ages. Here I will focus on basic sporting skills, nutrition, cardiovascular fitness, games and just plain FUN! Fitness does not have to painful and boring. I make it exciting and fun for all ages.

Family Series

The Family Series offers special rates for couples and families that would like to workout together. It’s a great way to motivate and achieve fitness goals with loved ones. Add a new dimension of fitness to your relationship!

Online Training

Online training is now available via Zoom. Rates will vary from in studio training rates.

2023 Rates

360° Profile$100
Student Series$60
Single Hour Series$85
Single Hour Group Series$100
1/2 Hour Series$65
Family Series$90